Month: July 2024

Former Trump NSC official explains his vision for ending war in Ukraine

WASHINGTON — Retired Army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, who was chief of staff on former President Donald Trump’s national security council, spoke with VOA about his vision for ending the war in Ukraine. Kellogg says he is not a formal adviser to the former president and has not presented his plan to Trump, but it is one of the options that he could consider if he is elected in November. Kellogg also served as the national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence in the Trump administration. He now co-chairs the Center on American Security at America First Policy Institute, …


UN cultural agency rejects plan to place Britain’s Stonehenge on list of heritage sites in danger

New Delhi — The United Nations’ cultural agency rejected recommendations Wednesday to place Stonehenge on the list of world heritage sites in danger over concerns that Britain’s plans to build a nearby highway tunnel threaten the landscape around the prehistoric monument. Stonehenge was built on the flat lands of Salisbury Plain in southern England in stages, starting 5,000 years ago, with the unique stone circle erected in the late Neolithic period about 2,500 B.C. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986 — an honor bestowed upon sites that have special cultural or physical significance. UNESCO experts had …


Розстріл поліцейських на Вінниччині: судитимуть двох військових, які допомагали підозрюваним – ДБР

«Не зважаючи на те, що всій країні було відомо, що батько та син розшукуються за вбивство правоохоронця, фігуранти відгукнулись та вирішили допомогти втікачам» …