Month: June 2024

Болгарська прокуратура приєдналася до розслідування воєнних злочинів РФ в Україні

Болгарія підтримує створення міжнародного трибуналу з розслідування злочинів проти людяності й воєнних злочинів в Україні, а також Міжнародного центру з переслідування за злочин агресії …


Three-way exercise aims to reassure Finland amid Russian threat

On May 31, U.S. troops concluded first joint exercises practicing the reinforcement of Northern Finland in case of an attack from Russia. Both Norway and Finland have recently signed new defense pacts with the U.S. military giving access to bases in the far north of their territories. In this report for VOA, Henry Wilkins speaks to Finland’s minister of defense and U.S. officers about what this means for the region. …


Russians target Ukrainian publishing industry, libraries, books, archives

Washington — In late May, the Faktor Druk printing plant in Kharkiv was hit during a missile attack. Serhii Polituchyi, CEO of Faktor Druk Corp., which owns the plant, rushed to the scene, arriving before firefighters, and watched as the building was engulfed in flames. Seven of his employees were killed and 21 wounded. According to Ukrainian authorities, the Russian military attacked Kharkiv and the neighboring city of Lubotyn with 15 missiles on May 23. One landed at Faktor Druk, the largest printing facility in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe, destroying its binding shop — a 4,000-square-meter modern …


Костін: встановлено 2200 потерпілих, які зазнали тортур і нелюдського поводження в російському полоні

З початку повномасштабної агресії РФ в Україні зареєстровано понад 450 кримінальних проваджень за фактами жорстокого поводження з військовополоненими …


Interpol, FBI break up scheme in Moldova to get asylum for wanted criminals

PARIS — A multinational operation by Interpol and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation cracked down on attempts in Moldova to sabotage one of the international police agency’s key tools, the Red Notice system, officials said Tuesday. Four people were detained in the eastern European country. The joint sting, which also involved cooperation with French and British authorities, uncovered an international criminal organization with ties to people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus suspected of cybercrime, Moldova’s anticorruption chief said. The suspected individuals “paid intermediaries and public figures in Moldova to inform wanted criminals of [their] Red Notice status,” Veronica Dragalin, the …


Poland renews 200-meter buffer zone on Belarus border to block influx of migrants

Recent violence between soldiers and migrants at the Polish-Belarusian border has prompted the Polish government to increase security and reintroduce a 200-meter buffer zone this week. Poland sees the latest migrant influx from Belarus as a hybrid warfare tactic. VOA Eastern Europe Bureau chief Myroslava Gongadze visited the region and has this report. VOA footage by Daniil Batushchak. …


Terror attacks headline threats to upcoming Paris Olympics

Washington — There are new warnings about potential attacks aimed at disrupting the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in Paris, including the potential for more terror plots like the one disrupted last week by French officials. A report released Tuesday by the cybersecurity firm Recorded Future states that despite a high likelihood of cyberattacks, the greatest risk to the Paris Games will come from in-person threats instead of from cyberspace. “We assess that physical security threats — including terrorism, violent extremism, civil unrest and disruptive protests — pose the greatest risk of harm and disruption,” the report from Recorded Future’s Insikt Group …