Month: June 2024

European powers submit Iran censure motion to IAEA board

Vienna, Austria — Britain, France and Germany late on Monday submitted a resolution to the U.N. nuclear watchdog’s board, censuring Iran over its lack of cooperation with the agency despite U.S. opposition, two diplomats said.  It was the latest of numerous diplomatic maneuvers by Western powers who fear Iran might be seeking to develop a nuclear weapon — a claim the Islamic Republic denies.  “The text has been formally tabled,” one diplomatic source told AFP, with a second confirming the information.  The move to submit a motion against Iran was driven by an “urgency to react to the gravity of the …


У Києві cтався конфлікт між цивільними та працівниками ТЦК, триває службове розслідування

«Один із чоловіків намагався чинити опір. При спробі його затримати цивільні особи почали чинити опір правоохоронцям та військовослужбовцям. Такими діями громадяни свідомо дали втекти особі, яка порушила закон» …


UN: Climate diplomacy averted worst scenario, but more action needed

Paris — Humanity has made strides tackling global warming but remains on track for a “ruinously high” rise in the Earth’s temperature, the U.N.’s climate chief said as crucial negotiations began Monday.   Diplomats meet every June in Bonn to try and advance the stickiest points in climate negotiations so that political leaders can finalize agreements at the year-end COP summit.   At this year’s Bonn talks, which run until June 13, the main issue is money — how much wealthy nations should pay to help low-income nations cope with climate change.   A new, longer-term goal for climate aid is supposed to be …


US veterans get heroes’ welcome in France ahead of D-Day anniversary

DEAUVILLE/PARIS — Crowds cheered and applauded as U.S. veterans arrived at French airports ahead of ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when more than 150,000 Allied soldiers landed in Normandy to drive out Nazi Germany forces.   Many of those flying in over the weekend into Monday were older than 100, pushed on wheelchairs by relatives and aides.   “It’s unreal. It’s unreal. Wow,” 107-year-old Reynolds Tomter said at Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport as students waved U.S. and French flags and held up photos of the veterans.   “It feels great … and I’m so thankful that I got the opportunity …


American veterans being honored in France at 80th anniversary of D-Day

Atlanta, Georgia — Hilbert Margol says he didn’t look on himself as a hero when his U.S. Army artillery unit fought its way across Europe during World War II. But he will be feted in France as one of 60 American veterans of that conflict traveling to Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. “I know my brother and I never looked at it as we were any kind of heroes, nothing like that,” Margol said recently of himself and his twin brother Howard, who served with him. “It was just our time. That we were asked to …


Thousands of Georgians gather at concert for arrested protesters

Tbilisi, Georgia — Thousands of Georgians gathered Sunday in the capital Tbilisi for a charity concert aimed at raising funds for those arrested during weeks of protests against a controversial “foreign influence” law.  On Tuesday, Georgia’s parliament adopted the divisive law, overcoming a presidential veto on the bill which critics say mirrors Russian legislation used by Moscow to silence dissent.  Brussels and Washington have warned the move will derail the Black Sea nation from its path to European Union membership.  It has sparked nearly two months of daily protests that saw police use tear gas and water cannon to disperse rallies, …