Month: June 2024

South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea deal, says it will consider possible arms supplies to Ukraine 

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s presidential office condemned an agreement reached by Russia and North Korea that vowed mutual defense assistance in the event of war and says it will reconsider its policy of limiting support to Ukraine of non-lethal supplies. The comments by a senior presidential official on Thursday came after the office issued a statement condemning the agreement reached by Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in their summit in Pyongyang on Wednesday. The office said the agreement posed a threat to South Korea’s security and warned that it will negatively affect Seoul’s …


Росія забороняє українську мову, поширює антиукраїнську пропаганду через освіту – HRW про порушення права на окупованих територіях

HRW задокументували порушення РФ норм міжнародного права щодо права на освіту на раніше окупованих територіях Харківської області та в інших регіонах …


Ukraine launches sexual assault registry for victims of Russian forces

KYIV, Ukraine — Authorities in Ukraine have created a national registry to document cases of sexual violence allegedly committed by Russian forces, a senior prosecutor told The Associated Press on Wednesday. Viktoriia Litvinova, the country’s deputy prosecutor general, said the registry was created out of a pilot project that had already resulted in the convictions of five people in absentia. She declined to comment on details of the cases. “We used to have to visit territories where hostilities are taking place ourselves,” she said. “But now people — individuals who have experienced sexual abuse — are seeking us out for information.” …