Month: June 2024

Дівчина заступника генпрокурора Вербицького написала листа до «Схем»: стверджує, що все майно «купила власним коштом»

У розслідуванні «Схем» йшлося про те, що у 2024-му дівчина заступника генпрокурора придбала майно на 52 мільйони гривень, не маючи для цього власних офіційних доходів …


Brussels refuses to host Belgium-Israel match over security fears

Brussels — Brussels has refused to host a Nations League football match between Israel and Belgium on September 6 because it could spark demonstrations, city authorities said on Wednesday. They said holding such a match while the war in Gaza was continuing “will undoubtedly provoke large demonstrations and counterdemonstrations, compromising the safety of spectators, players, Brussels residents and also the police.” The Belgian Football Federation said it would have accepted that the match, at the King Baudouin Stadium, take place behind closed doors, but it deeply regretted that the Belgian capital refused to host the game at all. “We deplore the …


North Korea, Russia pledge mutual defense, surprising many observers

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un upgraded their countries’ relationship as they met Wednesday in Pyongyang. Both men signed a treaty they say contains a mutual defense clause. The developments are being criticized by the U.S. and its allies, who say the relationship is a threat to global peace. More from VOA’s Bill Gallo in Seoul, South Korea. Contributor: Kim Lewis …


North Korea, Russia pledge mutual defense, says Putin 

Seoul, South Korea — North Korea and Russia have signed a treaty containing a mutual defense clause, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced Wednesday, during a rare Putin visit to Pyongyang. Following a day of highly publicized events, Putin and Kim signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership agreement,” formally upgrading relations that have expanded since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The text of the agreement has not been released. But following the signing, Putin said the deal contains a clause that “provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of …


French far-right leader Bardella backs Ukraine, but would not send long-range missiles

Paris — French far-right leader Jordan Bardella said on Wednesday that he backed Ukraine’s right to defend itself against Russia, but if elected prime minister he would not provide Kyiv with missiles that would allow it to strike Russia’s territory.   He also said he would standby France’s commitments to the NATO military alliance if he became prime minister.   Bardella’s National Rally (RN) party leads opinion polls ahead of June 30 and July 7 snap parliamentary elections, which has led to questions over the foreign policy implications if they win enough seats to form a government.   “I wish for …


Strict asylum rules, poor treatment of migrants push people north to UK

AMBLETEUSE, France — The rising tide crept above their waists, soaking the babies they hugged tight. Around a dozen Kurds refused to leave the cold waters of the English Channel in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable: French police had just foiled their latest attempt to reach the United Kingdom by boat. The men, women and children were trapped again on the last frontier of their journey from Iraq and Iran. They hoped that a rubber dinghy would get them to better lives with housing, schooling and work. Now it disappeared on the horizon, only a few of its passengers …


Putin’s visit puts Vietnam in ‘difficult position’ with ‘no breakthrough,’ experts say

WASHINGTON — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s upcoming visit to Vietnam will put the Southeast Asian country in a difficult position and could even be seen as risky for Hanoi, according to three international relations experts who spoke on Monday to VOA. They expected no breakthrough from the visit. Putin is scheduled to visit Vietnam on Wednesday and Thursday, after his Tuesday-Wednesday trip to North Korea. Risks for Hanoi “Hosting Putin in a combined trip that brings him to North Korea is bad optics for Hanoi and will bring some risks. This may make Vietnam less trustful in the eyes of the …


Наслідки удару українських дронів по нафтобазі в Ростовській області РФ – супутникові знімки

Згідно зі знімками, зробленими о 14:30 за Києвом, на території нафтобази триває пожежа. Однак оцінити ступінь ураження поки складно, бо клуби диму обмежують видимість …


Російські війська 13 разів намагалися витіснити ЗСУ з позицій на Лиманському напрямку – Генштаб

Командування відзначає активізацію російських військ на Краматорському напрямку: вони шість разів намагалися наблизитися до мікрорайону Новий у Часовому Яру …