Month: June 2024

The oligarch, Russia and the West: The battle for Georgia’s future

Tbilisi, Georgia — On top of a steep hill overlooking Tbilisi, tucked behind the city’s ancient fortress, sits a sprawling, futuristic $50 million mansion that locals call “the glass palace.” A shark tank, private zoo and helipad lie within the heavily guarded compound. Its owner, Bidzina Ivanishvili, reportedly calls it his “James Bond” house. Ivanishvili is Georgia’s richest citizen by far. The 68-year-old multibillionaire founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party was rarely seen in public for much of the last decade — but he is now pulling the strings of Georgian politics, according to Eka Gigauri, head of the anti-corruption …


ОГП: на Донеччині війська РФ обезголовили українського захисника, правоохоронці почали розслідування

Андрій Костін каже, що встановлюються обставини події, «перевіряється причетність конкретних військовослужбовців РФ до вчинення цього злочину» …


Russian involvement in China’s moon exploration divides space research camps

Washington — China aims to mark a new milestone in space exploration next week when its Chang’e-6 probe is expected to return to Earth from the far side of the moon with rock and soil samples. Scientists involved in the project say the probe is likely to bring back a “treasure trove” of material that will shed light on the differences between the front and back of Earth’s satellite. James Head is an American planetary scientist and professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Brown University.  He has 15 years of experience in cooperating with the Chinese scientific community and participated in …


«Путін має бути зупинений» – легенда року Род Стюарт підтримав Україну, попри вигуки невдоволення в Лейпцигу

79-річний музикант озвучив свої думки після того, як 14 червня на концерті в німецькому Лейпцигу частина публіки вигуками, криком та свистом відреагувала на появу на екрані зображення прапора України та президента Володимира Зеленського …


Putin to arrive in North Korea, with new treaty in focus

Seoul, South Korea — Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to arrive Tuesday in North Korea, where he is expected to sign a treaty outlining Moscow’s expanded cooperation with Pyongyang, according to Russian state media. Putin has decided to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during his two-day visit, reported the Russian news agency TASS. The report provided no details of the document, though earlier the agency quoted a Putin foreign policy aide as saying it would likely cover defense matters. Earlier Tuesday, Putin vowed to work with North Korea to counter sanctions as …


Ставлення поляків до українців погіршилося – дані дослідження

На думку дослідника, число тих, хто негативно ставиться до українських військових біженців, зростає через, як зазначили респонденти, «претензійну позицію», зокрема, йдеться про бажання українців мати такі ж права, що і поляки, у сфері соціальних виплат тощо …


Biden hosts NATO chief ahead of Ukraine-focused summit of security alliance

The White House — President Joe Biden hosted NATO’s chief at the White House on Monday, less than a month before the newly enlarged security alliance convenes in Washington to tackle how allies will continue to support Ukraine as it battles Russia’s invasion. The aim at the July summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, is to “ensure predictable support to Ukraine for the long haul.” But how to make that a solid and durable reality – amid the political baggage and diverse laws and systems of governance of all 32 NATO members – is likely to be a complex feat. Ukraine …


Stoltenberg: Record number of NATO allies hitting defense spending targets during war in Ukraine

Washington — A record more than 20 NATO member nations are hitting the Western military alliance’s defense spending target this year, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday, as Russia’s war in Ukraine has raised the threat of expanding conflict in Europe. The estimated figure is a nearly fourfold increase from 2021 in the number of the 32 NATO members meeting the alliance’s defense spending guideline. Only six nations were meeting the goal that year, before Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Europeans are doing more for their collective security than just a few years ago,” Stoltenberg said in a …