Month: May 2021

US, EU to Address Steel & Aluminum Capacity

The United States and the European Union have announced they have begun discussions to “address global steel and aluminum excess capacity” and have suspended tariffs imposed on their goods while the talks proceed. The joint statement was issued Monday by United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, and European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, following virtual talks last week.   From his Twitter account, Dombrovskis thanked Raimondo and Tai, saying the agreement “gives us space to find joint solutions to this dispute” before the end of the year. The dispute came to a head …


У Криму поліція вручає кримськотатарським активістам попередження напередодні роковин депортації

Наріман Джелял (на фото) повідомив, що застереження про «неприпустимість порушення закону» щодо організації мітингів і акцій принесли активісту Сулейману Кадирову …


With Eye on China, India and Europe to Restart Stalled Trade Talks

The decision by India and the European Union to restart stalled talks on a free trade pact comes amid growing unease on both sides about China’s rise, according to analysts.      The decision was announced following a summit of EU leaders in Portugal last week, which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined via video conference.         The meeting was held days after the EU suspended efforts to ratify an ambitious investment agreement with China following tensions that have grown between the 27-member bloc and Beijing about its treatment of the Uyghur population in Xinjiang province.      …