Month: May 2021

Alyona Alyona та MONATIK здобули премію YUNA як найкращі виконавці

Українська реперка Alyona Alyona здобула українську музичну премію YUNA в номінації «Найкраща виконавиця». Найкращим виконавцем став MONATIK. У номінації «Найкраща пісня року» переміг Артем Пивоваров з піснею «Дежавю». Найкращим поп-гуртом року стали TVORCHI. Вони отримали ще дві статуетки за найкращий альбом (13 waves) та найкращий електронний хіт (Bonfire). Найкращим рок-гуртом став The HARDKISS. Крім того, солістку гурту Юлію Саніну та співачку Тіну Кароль відзначили премією за найкращу колаборацію під час створення пісні «Вільна». Премію у номінації «Найкраща пісня іншою мовою» (Make It Rain Champagne) одержала SERDUCHKA. Найкращим відеокліпом визнали роботу «Історія України за 5 хвилин» гурту ТНМК.     …


Injured Toll in Russian School Shooting Rises to 23

Twenty-three people remain hospitalized Wednesday in the Russian city of Kazan following a school shooting that killed nine people, seven of whom were children.  The attack occurred Tuesday morning when a gunman opened fire on a school there.”We have lost seven children … four boys and three girls,” Rustam Minnikhanov, the president of the Republic of Tatarstan, told state TV, according to Reuters.Authorities have said all 23 wounded remain in stable condition and at least eight — three adults and five children — will be transferred to Moscow for further treatment.Men carry a coffin with the body of Elvira Ignatieva, …


Pope Holds First In-Person Public Audience at Vatican in Six Months

A joyful Pope Francis greeted a group of about 300 faithful in a Vatican courtyard Wednesday as he resumed his in-person weekly general audience with members of the public for the first time in six months. The COVID-19 pandemic shut down the pope’s public audiences last year as the pandemic swept through Italy. He instead taped his weekly message in a Vatican library. He attempted to resume them again in September, only to be forced back into the library when infection rates rose in November. Pope Francis holds the weekly general audience while coronavirus disease restrictions are eased at the Vatican, May …


Russia Expands Military Facilities in Syria

Russia is expanding its navy base at the Syrian port of Tartus and planning to construct a floating dock to boost the port’s ship repair facilities, according to Russian military officials.The move comes only weeks after the Russian military extended one of the runways at its Hmeimim airbase, adding to its military foothold in the eastern Mediterranean. The floating dock is scheduled to be completed next year, says Russia’s TASS news agency, quoting military officials.Upgrading the repair facilities at the Tartus base will allow the Russian navy to avoid dispatching ships to naval installations in the Black Sea for maintenance, …


Months of Lockdown Raise a Pressing Question: Where to Pee in Paris?

Paris begins reopening next week, bringing relief to residents missing its long-shuttered shops, museums, theaters and cafes that make France’s iconic capital so special. Not to mention something more basic—easily accessible toilets. Cecile Briand ducks into a small cement building, tucked inside a northern Paris square. The toilet she’s inspecting is a bit dirty, but no nasty surprises—nothing a little tissue can’t fix. Number one advice walking this city: always bring toilet paper.  Briand is a writer and artist. Also possibly this capital’s best resource on restrooms. Her guidebook Ou Faire Pipi a Paris? — or Where to Pee in Paris — is now in its second edition.   She earned her expertise …


Kremlin-imposed Cuts at US Embassy Leave Thousands Adrift

Under Kremlin orders, the U.S. Embassy has stopped employing Russians, forcing the embassy to cut its consular staff by 75% and limit many of its services. The order went into effect on Wednesday, bringing the sharply deteriorating U.S.-Russia relationship to an intensely personal level. Because of the cuts, the embassy can offer only very limited services, such as considering “life-and-death” visa applications. That leaves Russian businessmen, exchange students and romantic partners adrift because they won’t be able to obtain visas. Even Americans will be unable to register their newborns or renew their passports. For Anastasia Kuznetsova, a 20-year-old engaged to marry a Californian, …


Russia Denies Involvement in Colonial Pipeline Attack

Russia has denied involvement in the cyberattack that crippled Colonial Pipeline, a critical artery for almost half of the U.S. East Coast’s fuel supply. While the Biden administration has taken steps to address gasoline shortages, drivers are beginning to see higher prices at the pump. White House Correspondent Patsy Widakuswara has this report.   …