Month: May 2021

Nicola Sturgeon Sworn in Again as Scotland’s First Minister

Nicola Sturgeon took the oath of office Wednesday to return as Scotland’s first minister following an election earlier this month that saw her Scottish National Party (SNP) win a resounding election victory, allowing her to push ahead with plans for a second independence referendum. The SNP won 64 seats in the Scottish parliament, just one short of an overall majority. But the Green Party, which also supports independence, won eight seats, more than enough to allow Sturgeon and her party to control the political agenda in Scotland. In a statement issued following her swearing in and the announcement of her Cabinet, Sturgeon …


EU Could Ease Restrictions on Nonessential Visitors

The European Union announced Wednesday it would recommend its member countries allow fully vaccinated visitors from outside the bloc.European Commission spokesman Christian Wigand told reporters in Brussels that ambassadors of the EU’s 27 member states agreed to ease the criteria for nations to be considered a safe country from which all people can travel.  Currently, only seven nations are considered safe, based on their COVID-19 infection rates. The EU imposed strict measures last year to contain outbreaks, but the bloc’s ambassadors say many of the restrictions on nonessential travel should be eased as more people around the world are vaccinated and …


Grand Day for the French: Cafe and Bistro Terraces Reopens

It’s a grand day for the French. Cafe and restaurant terraces reopened Wednesday after a six-month coronavirus shutdown deprived residents of the essence of French life — sipping coffee and wine with friends. The French government is lifting restrictions incrementally to stave off a resurgence of COVID-19 and to give citizens back some of their signature “joie de vivre.” As part of the plan’s first stage, France’s 7 p.m. nightly curfew was pushed back to 9 p.m. and museums, theaters and cinemas reopened along with outdoor cafe terraces. President Emmanuel Macron, among the first to take a seat at a cafe terrace, …


EU Slams Belarus For Shutting Independent News Site

The European Union has slammed Belarus for its closure of the country’s biggest independent online news publication,, as one of its reporters left prison after serving six months for her reporting on the death of a protester killed during a crackdown on demonstrations against authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka. In a statement on May 19, an EU spokesman called the blocking a day earlier of the popular news site an “act of continued repression and intimidation” against independent media. Belarusian authorities also raided’s offices in Minsk and other regions, and the homes of its journalists and employees, breaking the door leading …


Прокуратура: в КМДА пройшли обшуки через незаконну забудову в буферній зоні Києво-Печерської лаври

Досудове розслідування проводять за статтям «зловживання повноваженнями особами, які надають публічні послуги, що спричинило тяжкі наслідки» і «службова недбалість» …


Top US, Russian Diplomats to Meet in Iceland

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are set to meet Wednesday on the sidelines of the Arctic Council ministerial in Reykjavik, Iceland. It will be the first face-to-face meeting for the top U.S. and Russian diplomats and comes at a time of heightened tension between their countries.  The meeting will also set the stage for a planned summit next month between U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The U.S. State Department said Wednesday afternoon’s session “will provide an opportunity to test the proposition of whether we can achieve a relationship with Moscow that is more stable and predictable.” Blinken on …


До громадянського журналіста в Криму приїхали співробітники поліції і ФСБ – активісти

До кореспондента громадського об’єднання «Кримська солідарність» Зідана Аджикелямова приїхали з «процесуальними заходами» кілька поліцейських і співробітники ФСБ …


Africa Financing Summit in Paris Ends With Calls for Funding, Vaccines

A Paris summit on supporting African nations hard-hit by COVID-19’s fallout wrapped up Tuesday with sweeping calls for massive financial and vaccination support for Africa — and a broader sea change in relations between donor nations and the continent. French President Emmanuel Macron called earlier for a new deal for Africa. Among the goals he and other leaders outlined were doubling COVID-19 vaccination targets for Africa by the end of 2021 under the COVAX vaccine-sharing scheme; persuading International Monetary Fund member states to triple so-called special drawing rights monetary reserves for Africa to $100 billion; and giving Africa the ability to …


Top US Diplomat Against Militarizing Arctic

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged the global community Tuesday to avoid militarizing the Arctic region, one day after Russia warned the West against making territorial claims in the area. Blinken is in Reykjavik, Iceland, for talks on climate change and to take part in an Arctic Council ministerial meeting. The United States has previously accused Russia of requiring foreign ships to seek permission to pass through the region and to allow Russian maritime pilots to board the vessels while threating violence against noncompliant ships.  “We’ve seen Russia advance unlawful maritime claims, particularly its regulation of foreign vessels transiting the Northern Sea …