Month: May 2021

Europe Emerging From Dark Coronavirus Months

After dark months struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, Europe is finally hitting its stride, with vaccinations and economies picking up, countries emerging from lockdowns, and even opening their borders to foreign tourists.For Maison Nomade, the recent journey under France’s lockdown has been tough.Now, this vegetarian restaurant in northern Paris is finally reopening. Staff members idled by the pandemic are scrambling to get things ready.Staff at Maison Nomade restaurant prepare for its reopening next Wednesday. The EU has notched up the region’s growth predictions for this year. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)“It’s been pretty hard to be closed for that long, but we’re very excited, …


Johnson ‘Anxious’ Over Rise of Variant From India in UK

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson voiced anxiety Thursday about a rise in the U.K. of the coronavirus variant first identified in India, after a closely monitored study of infections in England found it becoming more prevalent — just as the next big easing of lockdown restrictions is to begin. “It is a variant of concern. We are anxious about it,” Johnson said. “We want to make sure we take all the prudential, cautious steps now that we could take, so there are meetings going on today to consider exactly what we need to do. There is a range of things we …


Hungarian Plans for First Chinese University in Europe Prompt Security, Propaganda Fears

Hungary has announced plans to open a branch of a Chinese University in Budapest. Critics fear the development — the first of its kind in Europe — will be used by Beijing to spread Chinese Communist Party propaganda and could pose a threat to national security.   The so-called “Student City” will be built on the site of a former wholesale market outside the nation’s capital, with its centerpiece a branch of the prestigious Shanghai-based Fudan University.   Hungary said it will raise the standard of higher education, offer courses to 6,000 students from Hungary, China and further afield, while bringing Chinese investment and …


Champions League Final Moved from Istanbul to Porto Due to COVID-19 Risks

The Champions League final between Manchester City and Chelsea on May 29 has been moved from Istanbul to Porto to allow English fans to travel under COVID-19 restrictions, European soccer’s governing body UEFA said on Thursday. The final was scheduled for Istanbul’s Ataturk Olympic Stadium, but Turkey was last week put on Britain’s travel ‘red list’, meaning that no English fans would be able to attend the game. It will now be held in FC Porto’s Estadio do Dragao. UEFA said that each club would receive 6,000 tickets which are expected to go on sale from today. The final capacity …


Обшуки в Києві: ДФС повідомляє про слідчі дії в Київпастрансі і метрополітені

Зокрема, ДФС і прокуратура Києва повідомили про обшуки в Київському метрополітені у справі про ухилення від сплати податків на дев’ять мільйонів гривень під час проведення робіт із будівництва Сирецько-Печерської лінії метро …


Україна у п’ятницю буде частково в полоні короткочасних дощів та гроз – синоптики

У західних, вдень також і в північних, більшості центральних та Одеській областях невеликі короткочасні дощі місцями грози, на решті території без істотних опадів …


Hungary’s Plan to Build First Chinese University in Europe, Prompts Security, Propaganda Fears 

Hungary has announced plans to open a branch of a Chinese University in Budapest. Critics fear the development — the first of its kind in Europe — will be used by Beijing to spread Chinese Communist Party propaganda and could pose a threat to national security.   The so-called “Student City” will be built on the site of a former wholesale market outside the nation’s capital, with its centerpiece a branch of the prestigious Shanghai-based Fudan University.   Hungary said it will raise the standard of higher education, offer courses to 6,000 students from Hungary, China and further afield, while bringing Chinese investment and …


В Україні планують розробити висотний ударно-розвідувальний безпілотник – Міноборони

Україна – одна з семи країн, яка має повний цикл завершеного виробництва авіаційної техніки та висококваліфікований науково-технічний, інженерно-технічний та випробувальний склад …